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  • Sanjana Jon Abraham v. Prabhu Paramatma Torts - Other (Tortuous sexual assault) document preview
  • Sanjana Jon Abraham v. Prabhu Paramatma Torts - Other (Tortuous sexual assault) document preview
  • Sanjana Jon Abraham v. Prabhu Paramatma Torts - Other (Tortuous sexual assault) document preview
  • Sanjana Jon Abraham v. Prabhu Paramatma Torts - Other (Tortuous sexual assault) document preview
  • Sanjana Jon Abraham v. Prabhu Paramatma Torts - Other (Tortuous sexual assault) document preview
  • Sanjana Jon Abraham v. Prabhu Paramatma Torts - Other (Tortuous sexual assault) document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 10/12/2022 07:40 AM INDEX NO. 600703/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 741 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/12/2022 From: sanjana jon Subject: Anand Jon Not Guilty on 48 Counts Date: February 17, 2013 at 2:35 PM To: undisclosed-recipients:; Bcc: PR2-Anand Jon NOT G…es.pdf FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 10/12/2022 07:40 AM INDEX NO. 600703/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 741 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/12/2022 AIA ASIAN INDIAN AMERICAN HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH HRW Anand Jon NOT Guilty on 48 Charges; Accepts Time-Served offer on One Count (Giving Oral Sex to Adult Female) The case against Anand Jon Alexander slowly crumbled as the New York prosecution announced on the morning of trial that they would proceed to trial on only 3 of the initial 12 Complainants, and then offered the defense an exceptional plea deal. Once the NYDA agreed to turn over most of the hotly litigated, and previously withheld, materials needed to overturn Mr. Alexander’s California conviction, the defense seemed to have accomplished its main goal. It appears Mr. Alexander decided that rather than continue fighting a war he’d essentially won, he made a strategic choice to accept the attractive "time served" deal. The deal calls for Judge Cassandra Mullen to give Anand Jon Alexander the minimum possible sentence of five years, instead of the possible maximum 25 years. This means Anand Jon will instantly be a free man again upon reversing the controversial 59-year-to-life sentence in California. Appellate counsel, Angelyn Gates, asserted that the outcome in New York was very favorable as these materials have significantly bolstered and expedited the ability to file a successful "writ" to free Anand Jon Alexander in California. Notably, the intertwined Texas indictment was further compromised since it involves essentially the same women that were just dropped from the New York prosecution. Besides severe credibility issues, these women were admittedly part of an entourage gallivanting from state to state with Anand Jon, attending red carpet events, and posing in photos with him for months and years after their alleged incidents. While one New York/Texas complainant had testified in previous court proceedings that she felt like Anand Jon’s “battered wife," in a Los Angeles Magazine article written by Sharon Waxman, this same woman admitted that "even her own parents don't believe her story." Another New York/Texas adult complainant admitted in writing that she "thought" Anand was her "boyfriend," but after "realizing" that he was "not her boyfriend" had an "epiphany" that she "hated him." From what has been stated in the NY court, it appears the materials recently obtained have exposed extensive collusion between these women and Anand Jon’s disgruntled business associates. They jointly solicited attorneys for civil lawsuits and journalists for media stories. All this activity began right after Anand Jon’s company received multi-million-dollar Wall Street funding in 2006. This collusion eventually escalated to criminal allegations. Additionally, these criminal complaints were all made around the same time even though the alleged incidents supposedly occurred years earlier and years apart. All this does not look like a coincidence. The plea in New York involved one charge of Anand Jon giving oral sex, in 2005, to adult female who only reported it in 2007 after seeing negative media. According to the court proceedings and records, the original prosecution theory and indictment involving this cunnilingus charge occurring while this woman was supposedly "drugged," and "incapable of consent," which would automatically make any sexual contact "unlawful." However, in 2012, the DA acknowledged there was ASIAN INDIAN AMERICAN HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH 1 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 10/12/2022 07:40 AM INDEX NO. 600703/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 741 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/12/2022 AIA ASIAN INDIAN AMERICAN HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH HRW no evidence of "drugging" or "incapacitation." So at this point, it is quite blurry what the cunnilingus “crime” actually is. In fact, the DA has also admitted that there is no physical evidence, no DNA, and no corroborating eyewitnesses. The DA's assertion that this plea was offered due to the "long sentence" in California and to avoid their witnesses having to go through "multiple testimonies" raises questions. If this plea was offered due to the "long sentence" in California, then why was it not made back on August 31, 2009, when Anand Jon was sentenced in California. Why wait, instead, until February 14, 2013? It would've saved a lot of taxpayer dollars. Furthermore, the NYDA has known from the beginning that the complainants would have to testify as the Sixth Amendment requires the DA to produce its accusers for confrontation and cross-examination. In fact, of the three prosecution complainants that remained, only Tara S. and Kristi W. were called as prosecution witnesses during the LA trial, yet they faced essentially no cross-examination because their prior sworn testimony and materials from New York were withheld from the defense. It has been Anand Jon and his appellate counsel’s long standing assertion that the jury in LA never heard the truth. Now it seems they have been right all along. This and other constitutional violations, such as "juror misconduct" being declared but a "new trial" not being granted, are some of the multiple grounds anticipated to grant Anand Jon Alexander relief after six years of being locked up. A petition in support of Anand Jon can be found on ASIAN INDIAN AMERICAN HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH 2