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  • Gerardo Gerry Lozano VS. David WhiteAll Other Civil Cases (OCA) document preview
  • Gerardo Gerry Lozano VS. David WhiteAll Other Civil Cases (OCA) document preview
  • Gerardo Gerry Lozano VS. David WhiteAll Other Civil Cases (OCA) document preview
  • Gerardo Gerry Lozano VS. David WhiteAll Other Civil Cases (OCA) document preview
  • Gerardo Gerry Lozano VS. David WhiteAll Other Civil Cases (OCA) document preview
  • Gerardo Gerry Lozano VS. David WhiteAll Other Civil Cases (OCA) document preview
  • Gerardo Gerry Lozano VS. David WhiteAll Other Civil Cases (OCA) document preview
  • Gerardo Gerry Lozano VS. David WhiteAll Other Civil Cases (OCA) document preview


Emmcalty Flied PM 441012024 2:42 Hume Comty Dim Clem Reviewed By: Anette Wlannl CAUSE No. (1.5296434 D. ED Gmnno GERRY Lozmo § 1N THE DISTRIC’F » ’CLOCK M Con mu m, Q I ' ‘1 APR 1 2 2024 -§ g v. § 430m JUDICIAL WOJQSA, Dls H go CLERK rt County g mvm wm'rE § By puty #51 Cantata. g HIDALCO COUNTY. TEXAS snow CAUSE ORDER BACKGROUND W During the discovery process. Cnntcstam Lozano identified various have relevant knowledge about the issues involved in this action. As a result. Contestant On March 1.4. and wimcm that may by and through his counsel issued various subpoenas For said witnesses. Several uf the witncscs subpoenaed for deposition on April 5 failed to appear. they are as follows: 25, 2024 at 4:00 pm. Dolores Hernandez was properly served with a deposition Subpoena tn appear for deposition on April I, 2M4 at 9:00 am. at the Town Suites Marriot, 502 West Trenton. Edinburg Texu 78539. Despite being served with subpoena for deposition, said subpoenaed dcponcnt failed to appear in violation of 'l'cx. R. Civ. Pro. 176.6(3). [mm le On March 25. 2024 at 4:00 pm. Emiliana Borjas Baldavinos was pmperiy served with a deposition subpoena to nppunr for deposition on April l. 2024 m. 0:00 um, at d1: Town Place WW Suit“ Marriot. 502 West Trenton, Edinburg Texas 78539. Despite being served with subpoena for deposition. said subpoenaed dwonenl railed to appear in violation of Tex. R. Civ. Pm. ”66(3). On March 25. 2024 u: 4:00 pm, Jose Francisco Bam'mnm‘ was properly served with a deposition subpoena to appear for deposition on April l, 2024 at l|:00 um, nt the 'l‘mm Place Suites Marriot. 502 WeSI Trenton, Edinburg Texas 78539. Despite being served with subpoena for deposition, said subpoenaed dcponcnl failed lo appear in violation of Tex. R‘ Civ. Pm. 176.6(a). MING Elewnnicalwfiled «IWJZAZPMV , -_ U .wqatsdwumy meme: marks. “Revlm‘ved By: Ariana Villarreal Lumen Dc Leon _~ 4 ‘01-‘13; arc}! 25.20243! $_z00 Pm, Lorena I): Leon wmpgopg‘fly sewed witha‘dcpds'i-ilon: :sybpoe'pg {o a‘ppcarffor' qaposifionbfn A‘p‘ril 1., 2024 él 1:90 p111, a: thc‘l‘éwn Flaps: suites Magtiot. 502 M's: Tamed; mfibum‘ Texas'issagmpip pejmg sewed. win: subpéedg-fdr dge'fiosifiofi, said subpoenaed depunem failed to'appau'r in fioléfiofi of‘l’ex'JR'. Civ; Pr'o.‘ ”6.661). “Maggrit; fiaiiao Ramla‘dé March a' M 1 25, 2024' 'at 5:00 p'm, Margarita Pulidc'Rgig‘aiaflq'wfas' pro'p’pri'}: Served wit!) F011 .depogiti'ons'ubpoqna lo-gmpcar fOr dgpo'sitipn on April I, 2024 gt 2:00 pinyal‘llhe Town P!ate~- SfiitéMfirfiQt. $02 Wt‘gii 'Itg'gnton, fidjnhfifg 'Texasf78539, -l)pspit¢‘b¢iflg :séntéd with sgbpopna (?%déppgifiofi, Said subpbcnagd' d_ep”6néht"fdiled_16 ‘hppckifinw‘iolmioif "of Pm. . . _ . , , 4 'lfcx, R, Chi. I . a)... M'arg 89mg! ..0n-'March 25', 2024 ‘al 5:00 phi, Magrjg chgl wa’s pro'pegly-‘gfvfil wit "a deposifipn .subpocyg [q apnea; for-dgpqsihtionon April Iggmq n1 2§00 pug; '9; the ’J‘own P_Iacc Suites Mayfim. $92 jw_c‘slf‘Tman'n'. Edinburg ’l'éXas "(8539; Dqsfilé bciiag §o’wed intith fifibpgcni,fdr depositiqn, "said 'subgnma'e'd dmncn'i failed :o qpisgar ingyiolgtinn u‘f'l‘c'x; K cw. Prp‘. 176.6(9)“ ki‘jichdle am TOHQ‘ 0p Match 222024211 5;00»pin..., Z.c_c,c.a T9.r,'r.~_é:‘s Was pwpe'rly servéd with a. ‘dcposition Subpoena 10 gppear forudgposi‘tio‘n oa'Ap‘riI Al,‘ 2024 33:00 p‘mt ai‘thq'rdwfi Placc' 3:13:93 Marriot‘SOZ ,Wcsf Trenton, Edinbuvg Texas 78539. Despite being'sujycd with sc_bpc‘ncna 'ftiééidép'o'sitibfi, gait! ‘Subpnéngcd dcppngut. failcdxo'appegr in violation of. Tex,- R; Civ. Pro. 17... 4.561)- Vn 'ia a On March 25'. 2024 Tat 5:00 pm, Yakima Chapa Pfiljdt} winISquxingjf'spgvcg with a yicpcpsiti,un subpognajo app'car for debasitjonldn April 1,- 2924. jat-Szflo ”limiat IheIoWn Place Sflitcg Mdrfiot, 5927952‘61 Trenton,_}§fiinbur'g Texas. 78539. Despite 89'an s_tgrvod with subpoena: fof ?_éfidsifi‘on. Said ailifiwfinjed dcfiéncni’faflcpd Io éhpca'; ln‘viélhtidfi Of Tex. R. Civ, Pr'o. ‘ ' ' 176.6(3). ' anm‘ a Angg‘ni'g .3 Em .On' Matizh '27, 'a;-5_:47 pm", Emcisco Anloniidfiéfvin wgzpibp'gfly- sewed with a 2024 . dgposiiion subpoena- appear fotdcposifim nn April to_ 2024 ‘ag'1;{)i00.arii;.af,th¢ TownPlacc ll,- Sliitps Mfirriot, ,Sfig‘ngit'Tréntofi't Edifihfirgfl'qué 78539. Despite h‘cin'g, servedlwithl subpoena for ‘dcp05iti9fi; said S'ubpdcriuég! dcfidncfit failed lo 'a'ppggi' in ?_iqgfiqfi éf Tgx....R‘.: .Civ'. Pup: I76.6{a‘3.‘ ' 1359‘;an Eteclrowmlry Fucd 4210:2094 2:42 PM _ aualao cccunr Emmett: Reviewed swarm wages: CorinaMorcmu ~On'lApfi1' 2024.11 1 l, 3&9 pm. Cbgina_hrfo_1§n9 Was pmpgrly. sewed sjrith q'dcpoé'iilon. Z'sgbpogn’a gg appearfqr deposition On ApfiN, 20251 £11200 run, '{IuHc'Téxm Pla'c‘c'Suites Matting ‘soz Wes: Trenton, Edinbmg Texas 78539. De'sp'ue'bciug sewed wimsubpqer’ga' for dgmsigioh, giaid subpoenaed dcponcnffailed Io appear in violation of'l‘ex', RivCiv'; Ptofii 76:6(8). ' [gqng‘VCohalg , 0n :Apfil ’3. 202.4 at 1:57 pm. Irene Canales was properly served with a_d'cppsition 59.599693 .100er for dlepgs'itiqn 9h Ahri] 5.120221 at’9zoo-am, :3; thcATown Place Suim-Maxgion 502 ?Wcst Trenton. Eglinhmg Texas 1,853.9: _I.J;spi.t.c being scrvcd .with subpoena for dcwsllion. s‘a‘id subhdcnacd dcp'oh'em fnilgd zo‘_agfi'ear-in violatiofn of-Téa‘. R; Civ, P176; 176.693). flora Cnbalc‘c De Lean On. April 4, 2024 a1 2:582 pm; :Do‘m‘Cahales Dc' Lion" whé nrop'urljr sc‘rwd Svi'th a A ,dcposition $ubpq'rgun to appcafifdr dépoéiifon o'n A‘pri} 5, 2924 at 10:00 arm 211‘th Town Plan; suilps'Mar-riqg 502' West Tremdn: Edinhwg ‘l'exas 78539. Dc_spi;_e‘bging sgrved with subpqefia for dcp,q"sitio:n. said Asubpqg‘nlqw dcpgngnt mica!" vidlnlidil of Tex! R. Civ. Pro. failgd to iii 1761601); The (391111 finds dial each dime subpdcnas for the abovo identified subpoenaed witnesses. 'o'ffic'c’r's End. rufurns' rflétgd thpr‘cto, ixzem,propg:1y filed of— rééord wit); the CQurL The Qomjt further finds that mch‘oI‘ 1be.aforementioned and identified pcmons were pp'id or tendered all l witness'fccslduc by lai'w. ll. “'9 £799"! 5“”?!3 a 4399“." '3'"??? 0?. WDfi‘Rblo Eniilfaii Bo a9 nlda'inou Jo's}: Frhnéifihofi rr ' ‘0 Pomnflfi'acwcggmm ' I‘ "n ’e ‘ “ " t hrlm Pulidb n’ ‘ ' ‘cr'hl Michelle Zecéa Torre. Yunnan Ch'n ‘a‘vnlido. Francisco Antonio 'Sc'rvin Corina: 'Mogcgn, Irene‘ Canhtes, and Dori Canalus DcZLcon A‘jfith Coyleslant's Miiltifi'n thfem'pl np‘d Show (34:;qu Hgtaging ”d_MQtion go. Enfprqegpfcpbslfl'on I‘o'rf Subhgemis am! th'Shgw-Cpuhe O_qulér, 5t the ab’ovc' Identified fiéi‘s‘hhi’ first a‘pfieia'riincf (lieCourt‘will admoriiaah 'cac'h of _sai_d persons on thc' m:nnlpi’ h‘mihef rights {md wérn himthr that if the (30pm finds binnllgcmo being violation .ol‘ the Courts Orders, hc/glic gpmd he held coujempmrcnun, ms court adviseshuisqgh-anwidcmificd ppmons um tho pOtfihtiél dngc of 'i'pnniahmcnt‘foy' éphtémpf ln'flu‘fles a Elie (if u'p "to' $500 :i'udfdr confinement in tlic Hidalgoflbnnty Jail {or'nol mare then 6 months nr both‘such a‘fme and cqnfinemgnt injail. 'I’c':(.'(iovt Code Soc. 2t .001; 'l‘m: COURT-‘S WEED»? m m I(‘QRI'W I'ngc 3 or'G Elcdmnicelly Filed “$02024 2:42 PM . Hldalgo County Dismd Cééflta Reviewed By: ArianeVill‘arroal Undér its inh'crént wivufis', a gbur; has ”all .ppw’c'és qe¢éasary l'gjrxh'c bxcrdisc of ifs jurisdiction ant] the enforcement of its lawful orders, including thenuthofily lo issue {he writs ind ofdcts nccfcssm’j'v 6r pr'opci' in‘faid of its'jufi;digjtioii.”"flgx. de'r (Ida; 521.001. In exemising it; inherent gowets. a cqpn may .usc it's coefc‘ivafand cqfitemp't hotfiéx‘s'; fissés‘s mnmclal}: sancti ons, andiorprdc; the patties and counsel t6-.takc.ccrtaih‘actions. rlf héécssa'ry. to ensure enfori‘c’gnefit ofits'lawful ord¢ts and judgm'gms, th'e Coun‘ma‘y also use ils‘ contmnpl powers to- order ang or ail ol' the above identified parsons obnfincd in the Hldalgo Count) Jail or to probate such a sentence 10 ensuxe compliance with this Court‘ s valid Order's, ORDER 'Thé Court Omani; D'cfbritw-Icmanda, Emiiiéana Bbijas Baldavinos, Josc- Francisco Barric'ntca L‘orcna De L’em‘l, Margarita Pulido chalado, Mane chai, Michelle Zecca Tomes, Yolanda Chapa Pulido, Francisco Antonio Scm‘n Corina Moreno, Itene Cannles, and Dora Cghqlgg Dc Leon vi) appear berm: this Court on ‘VedfieSGSYfiDNI l7 ~ 302.4 .lll 2'4'0'0 -».wpm imhc 430'“ Judicial pismc: com, m s-9th-Ave, gainburg. ’rx 78539-11: SHOW CAUSE why hm‘éhc Should not bc sanctioned or'h’eld,‘ h": conwmpi oficourt for alleged failurej'wmply with gpfitcs'tant Gerry Lozang’s dépquitidn subways. lfi a! that timedhc Court finds lh‘at Delores Hemanda, Hmilian'a Borjas Bnldavinos, Jase; l‘tangifidfla'rricnlcs, Lam's: Dc Leon, Margarita Pdlido‘chalédotMari'a Béryal, Michal: Ze‘cga- Tongs, Yglanda Chapa Pulidp, Fmficis‘cb Antonio Servin 'Gdrina Mb‘r'cflé.‘ Irene Chhslloéca v_d‘Dor-jf-Chmul‘w Dc L991: baa not complied .with {1.10 dema‘nion auhgmvmn, i! will gncwiw ila - gnforizqh'tém fidivcts. ifiplh‘dih‘g‘: (l) CIVm Commmn Ir the Court finds Delores Hernandez; Emiliana Borjas Baidavinos. Jgss‘e Fm'éjsna Baniem'es; I,tjr¢na‘ Dc Lean, magmas P'un’ao ng'ataaa; Mafia map, Michelle lcc'ca. Torres, Ypl'an’da Chap'a Pulidd} Ffaficiséo Ahtiyijid Sérvih Corina Morgue. lrcnc; Canale‘s, and bbwbannles D'e Leon haire the.prescnr ubilify to comply With {his Cdiprtfg pficr, méififqygt fijigy h‘pld said pfifip‘hfi) in‘ cwil Vébnfigémpl, gm}! jgo'hfin‘a; said person(s) in‘ the Ilidnlgo-Coung- Jail for up‘ to six (6) m‘on‘ths‘br until said person(s) gorhply vL‘ith this: gourt‘s orflcr,-whijchpvcr date Comes first. (2) IfDelofes lig’m‘andcz; Ifmilianéquja's Baldaxinés, Jog;_Fr§q駧c9 Bagicmes'. Loyeua De Leon, Margarita Pillido Regalado.Maria Bemal; Micheilfiz'ecca Toms, 'Yoizmda éfiapu manom- Eles'a‘nnlcally Fde'd 4J1M024 2.42 FM _ Hldalgqcounty Disjmct crm Reviewed By: Mafia Villarreal Pulido. Francisco Antonio Sci'vln Coriri'a Moncno‘. [mic Céu'mlés, .md Dora Canalgs Dc "Leon fail to appear beiore this, Court for the hearing scheduled far APT“ lmmmfimfilma [lid Céil’t'i will iSs'uc z": Writ 6f :a'fiiaéh'flipf-u to. sug'ur‘c hisfhcr presence; The Cour: will assess any costs incur‘retl' m executing tho aila‘chmenl mid' necessary confinement against tho individual attached. "I he (gum quiés ma; {bis ditgr 1,9 N0! a subs‘l‘imlgt for Contestant :Gérty LdZiihb’S' Motion TorConIempt and Show Causc'll-lcnring 'and Mnfipn'to' Enforce: chtjsition ’Sfihpbenas. :COhtqéifihi .chry ~L§zano‘s motions fdr centcfilpt 9r show éause must stateeachot‘hciorcs ‘llém'g'n‘dfgz', .Emilia‘n'fi Boxju's .B‘aldmfilibs}; Ids; Frhn'éisida Bfit'fibiilégs', I.é§i§fifi Dc 13661115, hiérgwinfi~fihi§da Regaiadti’s, Marichmal-‘s, Michetle Zecca’Toi'rme", Yolanda Chap; Puk’do‘zs. Francisco Anionic Scrfilh‘é, Curfr'tfi.Moren'o"s.--Ircnc ‘Cfinnlé‘s’. and'Dbm .égimles D'gLemi’js violations of the deposition sampbcnas- uith- 5pcc1ficzt) wad 870 (fey ln'n:_Hou‘ggzi. 92' S. App— Houston [14° Dispj 2002). Civil contempl proceedings are quasi-criminal m nature. and the iibo'v; idéntified pctSQnS oslihmllygcd pufilcmnolfs). mp entitled I'D prp'cgdnral dgc pngccxs. ihmugho‘utth‘c proceedings. Ex pane .Iggh'ng m, 654 S.W~.26 «1153.420 (Tex, I983): Amohg lhc' necessary pfpce'duml dire probcsé'd‘igfiis Isrthc above identified persons' rcspcctch right ~lo fifti'sofiéblc'fgp’fitp _ol' each .aillég'cd qnnmmncliousj 'act. Before ,Ihc Court may gain; antgslgnl CcrryLozAno‘s molion l'O'r- cdnlempL he must prove heyondn reasonable doubt that Each bf thc 'ab'p'vé id'miilied persons khm'vingly violated deposition sufipoenas-servedupgm thém; {egg LL93. 92,3 '.36 37.0 (Tex. App. - Houston [14“? Dist] 2002) Accord mglv. th Com Omens Contestant Gerry Lama to have n prcccps issued b, the- Distficl Clerk’s Offic'c' a‘nd ‘to cause Dolores Picmziade'Z. Emiliah‘a Bdrjzis. Baldavinos; Josj: Francisco Barricnles. Lomna De Leon. Margarita Pillido Regalado, MJia Bemal Michelle Zecca‘ Torres, Yolanda Chupn‘ Pufido, Francisco Antonio Scr’vm Qg‘risga Morena. lame Canales, 'snd- Dora Canalcs Dc L'c'o'n to Inc personally served with a copy ol Ihe' precepL oftliis Order and ofhis live Moiioms) to Show Cause. andlor Moiion(s) for Contempt by a person amberich Io I‘c'qg'ps dec~prac¢ss-qndw Rule 103 .ofthc Rules of Civil prcgdligc. lhcpggrg‘tqg‘glcgyggepuke. precept, this Order and the Motions shun be'm‘x‘ed m: a 'c'ourt cost and awarded to' the prewiligtg- ‘at‘ parry the c'nhc'ljisioh chars matter. Thje Court further Oflfizfi the"! lidg‘lgg qunty District Clgrk 19: n. F’sem onemail a'copy ofthis Order [dcach counsél and party; and Pages 0'96 h, mail a ,copv dfthisbrde: to each counsel and purl). IT Is THEREFORE ORDERED that thé s‘ubpocrmd persons, namely Delorég; llemandcz. Emiliana Borjas Baldwins. Jose Francisco Barricmqs, harem: De Leon, Marg'anla Pulido ‘Re'galado‘ Maria Bcrna'! Michelle Zecca Torres, Yoianda Chaps: Pulido, krancisoo Anionic :Sg'r‘ygn Caring Mgrgqg‘a lréng 9M9g, mid Dom analpg Dé 1.76611. sh'all appztangmd the said ‘fibloms Hernanda; Emilihh‘a Borjgs Balda'yiuos, Jose Fr'angis‘jzo Barfiéptgs'. ”143cm. Dz? Igepn, Myggrjfga Panda, Regmabi Mada“ 13m, Miéhe‘ue zeoca Tones, Yolanda éh'apa I’zuliao, 'Fm'hci's‘cbnmofiio sgsfiriu-céiim mfiéspe‘ Leah mayo; twine CanaI-s'. ninja 129:5. talc gm: air; each inmby ORDERE» mappear hefore-tlikbmrt on Wednesday, April 17:20am 2:00pm). ‘fn tlie wuflfdoin of ‘thie 430“ Jil'diéfifl Difli‘ii’t Char} of Hidalgo county, Texas, I‘ll South 9‘”. Ave’nne, Edipburg,- Texas 78539 to show cause; why each 0f Said persons. namely, Debits Hernandez.- Emih'nna Boaj‘as Baldavinos, Jose Francisco Barricmcs. Lu‘rcna Dc' Leon, Margarita Pulido JRGQ'aIado, Maria Hernal. Michcllc Zecca Tomes, Yolanda Chane Pulido. F‘m'ncisco Antonio Serviu Corina Memo. Irene Camila, and Dora Cannlcs' Dc Mon should np'; hc‘ found and held 1n contempt b} the Court for each respective petsnn‘ s .Iaiiurc or- refusal to appear For cach of Ihejmjn m_e‘dcpbsition noucasgfvéfi upon _thp,d¢posigion noticgd for‘ chit): said pagans. respectively, in violnlitm orkulés' 176.6":1'nd 176.8 of the Tex‘m Rules 6f Civil Pgoccfipgcl a_xgjd. if s_o found and held 19,11: contempt 9f the "Court. why each of said fiélorcsflcmanjdez, FLiniliana Bogas Qfldwh’gos, Jose Fifinpfi’séo' Béfridttt'c‘s‘, Wane De Leon, Margafipg Pbfido chaJadg M585 Bcrnal. Michcuc Zecca'Torres. Yolanda‘Chapa Pulido. Francisco Anteniu Servin COriha lJte Hidalgo County Jail for a term of not mote than 180 days o: bv a fine not to cxcccd live” Iliiildftid Dellatsfiimfimnr by. both such .wnhhemem and fine. o'n A'p‘fil 1-2. 3024'. Signed , ff ’ osa ANUPL BAfiIALES 39 o UDGE PRESIDING BY ASSIGNMENI Ping: 6.0“.