EXHIBIT(S) - 6 (Motion #1) - Baylor College of Medicine Jury Form

On March 15, 2022 a case was filed by Kaleida Health, represented by Greenspan, Scott David, and Jean, Joseph David, against American Guarantee And Liability Insurance Company, represented by Booth, Charles A., Mattoon, John Albert, Mckenna, Caroline, and Menapace, Michael, in the jurisdiction of Erie County. Judge Deborah Chimes presiding.

FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 11/01/2022 04:34 PM INDEX NO. 803098/2022 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 110 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/01/2022 Exhibit 6 FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 11/01/2022 04:34 PM INDEX NO. 803098/2022 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 110 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/01/2022 ORIGINAL gr 3 !(p d CAUSE NO. 2020-53316 …

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