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  • JOSE NUNEZ VS HEALTH NET INC ET AL Insurance Coverage (not complex) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JOSE NUNEZ VS HEALTH NET INC ET AL Insurance Coverage (not complex) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Superior Court of Californi: FILED omnia. Su} County of Los Angeles OCT -2 2duiy lerk Department 61 Shern F jeputy By tein JOSE NUNEZ, Case No.: BC688713 Plaintiff, Hearing Date: September 19, 2019 ¥. RULING RE: HEALTH NET, INC., et al., PLAINTIFF JOSE NUNEZ’S MOTION FOR EAVE TO FILE THIRD AMENDED Defendants. OMPLAINT Plaintiff Jose Nunez’s Motion for Leave to File Third Amended Complaint is DENIED. I MOTION FOR LEAVE TO AMEND CROSS-COMPLAINT Code Civ. Proc. section 473 subd. (a)(1) states that: The court may, in furtherance of justice, and on any terms as may be proper, allow a party to amend any pleading or proceeding by adding or striking out the name of any party, or by correcting a mistake in the name of a party, or a mistake in any other respect; and may, upon like terms, enlarge the time for answer or demurrer. The court may likewise, in its discretion, after notice to the adverse party, allow, upon any terms as may be just, an amendment to any pleading or proceeding in other particulars; and may upon like terms allow an answer to be made after the time limited by this code. “The trial court has discretion to permit or deny the amendment of the complaint, but instances justifying the court's denial of leave to amend are rare.” (Armenta ex rel. City of Burbank v. Mueller Co. (2006) 142 Cal.App.4th 636, 642.) “Although courts are bound to apply a policy of great liberality in permitting amendments to the complaint at any stage of the proceedings, up to and including trial [Citations], this policy should be applied only ‘[w]here no prejudice is shown to the adverse party . . .’ [Citation.] A different result is indicated ‘[w]here inexcusable delay and probable prejudice to the opposing party’ is shown. [Citation.]” (Magpali v. Farmers Group, Inc. (1996) 48 Cal.App.4th 471, 487.) Pursuant to California Rule of Court Rule 3.1324, “[a] motion to amend a pleading before trial must: (1)Include a copy of the proposed amendment or amended pleading, which must be serially numbered to differentiate it from previous pleadings or amendments; (2) State what allegations in the previous pleading are proposed to be deleted, if any, and where, by page, paragraph, and line number, the deleted allegations are located; and (3)State what allegations are proposed to be added to the previous pleading, if any, and where, by page, paragraph, and line number, the additional allegations are located.”