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  • Levine Vs Kindred Hospital New Jersey-Morris CountProfessional Malpractice document preview
  • Levine Vs Kindred Hospital New Jersey-Morris CountProfessional Malpractice document preview
  • Levine Vs Kindred Hospital New Jersey-Morris CountProfessional Malpractice document preview
  • Levine Vs Kindred Hospital New Jersey-Morris CountProfessional Malpractice document preview
  • Levine Vs Kindred Hospital New Jersey-Morris CountProfessional Malpractice document preview
  • Levine Vs Kindred Hospital New Jersey-Morris CountProfessional Malpractice document preview
  • Levine Vs Kindred Hospital New Jersey-Morris CountProfessional Malpractice document preview
  • Levine Vs Kindred Hospital New Jersey-Morris CountProfessional Malpractice document preview


BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 1 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 PENNSYLVANIA OHIO MARSHALL DENNEHEY Allentown Cincinnati WARNER COLEMAN S L GOGGI N Doyleslown Cleveland Erie FLOR.lDA Harrisburg Ft. Lauderdale King of Prussia A P R O F E S S IO NAL C O R P O R ATIO N Philadelphia Jacksonville Orlando 425 Eagle Rock Avenue, Suite 302, Roseland, NJ 07068 Pittsburgh Tampa Scranton (973) 618-4100 FaX (973) 618-0685 N EW YORK NEW }ERSEY Justin F Johnson, Residenf Mc1nagingAftorney Cherry Hill Long island Roseland New York City Direct Dial: (973) 618-4177 DELAWARE Westchester Email: hmlabomba1' Wilmingion October 25, 2017 VIA eCOURTS. The Honorable Bonnie J. Mizdol, A.J.S.C. Bergen County Justice Center 10 Main Street, Suite 425 Hackensack, NJ 07601-7699 RE: Dr. Seyma O. Levine v. Select Specialty Hospital - Northeast New Jersey Docket No.: BER-L-1965-16 Our File No.: 19137.00203-FPL Dear Judge Mizdol : The undersigned represents Defendant Select Specialty Hospital - Northeast New Jersey in the above captioned matter. Presently before Your Honor is Plaintiffs Motion to Transfer Venue from Bergen County to Pas s aic County, which is now returnable on Friday, Novembczr 3, 2017. Please accept the instant correspondence in lieu of a more formal opposition. Oral argument is respectfully requested. DEFENDANT'S COUNTERSTATEMENT OF FACTS 1. Plaintiffs Complaint was filed on Febiuary 22, 2016 when the Plaintiff was Pro se. (A true and accurate copy of Plaintiffs filed Complaint has previously been provided to the Court.) 2. Plaintiff chose the venue when she filed her Complaint in Bergen County, the county where she resides (Wyckoff), and the county in which the Defendanfs place of business is located (Rochelle Park). BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 2 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 The Honora ble Bonnie J . Mizdol, A.J .S .C. Octobe r 25, 2017 Page 2 3 . An An s we r to P la in tiffs C o mp la in t wa s file d o n b e h a lf o f De fe n d a n t S e le c t S p e c ia lty Ho s p ita l Northe a s t Ne w J e rs e y, Inc., on April 15, 2016. (A true a nd a ccura te copy of De fe nda nt's file d Ans we l ha s pre vious ly be e n provide d to the Court.) 4. This ca s e involve s the ca re a nd tre a tme nt of the de ce de nt while he wa s a pa tie nt a t De fe nda nt S e le ct S pe cia lty Hos pita l from S e pte mbe r 28, 2012 through De ce mbe r 8, 2012. S pe cifica lly, the pa tie nt wa s a dmitte d to S e le ct S pe cia lty Hos pita l following a n a dmis s ion a t Columbia P re s byte ria n Hos pita l for s a cra l de cubiti, pne umonia a nd uros e ps is a nd he ha d a his tory of conge s tive he a rt fa ilure , re s pira tory fa ilure , a fe e ding tube , a nd de me ntia . 5. The pa tie nt wa s dis cha rge d from De fe nda nt S e le ct S pe cia lty Hos pita l, he we nt to othe r hos pita ls both in Ne w J e rs e y a nd in Ne w York, a nd he s ubs e que ntly die d in J uly of 2014. 6. P la intiff not only s ue d De fe nda nt S e le ct S pe cia lty Hos pita l, but s he s ue d othe r provide rs both in Ne w J e rs e y a nd in Ne w York for the s a me a lle ga tions . 7. De fe nda nt S e le ct S pe cia lty Hos pita l de nie d a ny a lle ga tions of wrongdoing in its ' Ans we r. 8. On J une 20, 2016, J oe l M. Ros e n, Es q. a nd Ke vin Cowie , Es q. file d a ppe a ra nce s on be ha lf of the P la intiff, Dr. Le vine , howe ve r, the docume nts we re s igne d on J une 17, 2016. (A true a nd a ccura te copy of the file d Notice of Appe a ra nce of J oe l M. Ros e n, Es q., the Notice of Admis s ion for P ro Ha o Vice Admis s ion of Ke vin Cowie , Es q., a nd a n Affirma tion in S upport of P ro Ha o Vice Admis s ion of Ke vin Cowie , Es q. a re a tta che d a s Exhibit A) 9. On J une 17, 2016, a Fe rre ira Confe re nce took pla ce whe re P la intiffs couns e l wa s pre s e nt. (A true a nd a ccura te copy of the ACMS printout which s hows tha t a Fe ne ira Confe re nce took pla ce on J une 17 2016 is a tta che d a s Exhibit B) 10. At no time during the J une 17, 2016 Fe rre ira Confe re nce whe n the P la intiff wa s re pre s e nte d by couns e l was the issue of venue addressed. BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 3 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 The Honora ble Bonnie J . Mizdol, A.J .S .C. Octobe r 25, 2017 Page 3 ll. On or a bout Augus t 8, 2016, the unde rs igne d re ce ive d a ple a ding from P ro s e P la intiff which s howe d P ro s e P la intiffs s igna ture re ga rding he r Cons e nt to Cha nge Attorne y to pe rmit Ke vin Cowie , Es q. to withdra w a s he r couns e l from the ca s e , a lthough it is uncle a r whe n this docume nt wa s iile d. (A true a nd a ccura te copy of the Conse nt to Cha nge Attorne y da te d August 8, 2016 is a tta che d a s Exh ib it C ) 12. On or a bout S e pte mbe r 16, 2016, the unde rs igne d re ce ive d a le tte r from P la intiffs couns e l J oe l Ros e n Es q. whe re in he ha d P la intiff e xe cute a Cha nge of Attorne y on S e pte mbe r 13, 2016 to pe rmit both Mr Ros e n a nd Mr. Cowie to withdra w from the ca s e , a lthough it is uncle a r wa s this docume nt wa s file d. (A true a nd a ccura te copy of the S e pte mbe r 16, 2016 cove r le tte r a nd the Conse nt to Cha nge Attorne y da te d Se pte mbe r 13, 2016 is a tta che d a s Exh ib it D) 13. P a pe r dis cove ry ha d fina lly be e n e xcha nge d a fte r a multitude of Motion pra ctice , which include d the De fe nse compe lling more spe ciiic inte 1Toga to1.y re sponse s from the P la intiff a s we ll a s othe r discove ry 14. At no time during the pe nde ncy of the ca s e ha d P la intiff e ve r ta ke n is s ue with the ve nue of this case which she chose , a nd which she ha d the a bility to discuss with counse l whe n she ha d re ta ine d counse l a s e vide nce d by Exhibit A. 15. A Motion for S umma ry J udgme nt wa s file d by the unde rs igne d on or a bout J uly 18, 2017 ba s e d on a la ck of a n e xpe rt re port a ga inst De fe nda nt S e le ct S pe cia lty Hospita l a nd the fa ct tha t the unde rsigne d did not na me a ny individua l phys icia ns for which ne glige nce could be a s cribe d a ga ins t. 16. Ora l a rgume nt wa s conducte d be fore the Honora ble Ja me s J. De Luca , J.S .C. on August 18, 2017 whe re P ro s e P la intiff wa s pre s e nt. 17. J udge De Luca re s e rve d his de cis ioh on Augus t 18, 2017 a nd re nde re d a writte n de cis ion a nd Orde r on Augus t 21, 2017 which gra nte d De fe nda nt S e le ct S pe cia lty Hos pita 1's Motion for S umma ry J udgme nt (A true a nd a ccura te copy of the fa x cove r s he e t da te d Augus t 21, 2017 a s we ll a s the Orde r gra nting Summary Judgment and the Rider to the Order dated August 21 , 2017 is attached as Exh ib it E) BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 4 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 The Honora ble Bonnie J . Mizdol, A.J .S .C. Octobe r 25, 2017 Page 4 18. Judge De Lu ca 's Au g u s t 2 1 , 2017 Order is c u rre n tly th e s u b je c t o f a Mo tio n fo r R e c u s a l a n d Re cons ide ra tion, which is be ing he a rd by the Honora ble J udge De Luca on Frida y, Octobe r 27, 2017 a t l:30p m . 19. Afte r P la intiffs Compla int wa s dis mis s e d with pre judice by viitue of the Augus t 21, 2017 Orde r, P ro se P la intiff file d the ins ta nt Motion for Cha nge of Ve nue on or a bout S e pte mbe r 25, 2017. 20. Notwithsta nding the fa ct tha t this Motion should not e ve n be e nte rta ine d due to the fa ct tha t the ca se ha s be e n dis mis s e d with pre j udice , P ro s e P la intiff ha s not provide d this Honora ble Court with a ny grounds with which to gra nt a cha nge of ve nue pursua nt to Rule 4:3-2 or Rule 4:3-3 . 21. The re fore , in light of the fore going, it is re s pe ctfully re que s te d tha t this Honora ble Court de ny P la intiffs Motion to cha nge ve nue in this ma tte r. LE Q . AL AR G UME NT THE RE IS _ N0 BAS IS _ FO R P LA_ ]NT]FF~S _ M0 TI0 N 1 : 9 CHANGE VE NUE Firs t, it s hould be note d tha t P la intiff ha d the a s s is ta nce of couns e l from J une 17, 2016, the da te of the firs t Court Confe re nce in this ca s e , a nd a t no time wa s the is s ue of ve nue e ve r dis cus s e d. In P la intiffs Motion s he re que s ts tha t this Honora ble Cou11 move the ins ta nt ca s e out of Be rge n County for two re a s ons : (1) P la intiffs da ughte r fe lt s he wa s s lighte d in s ome wa y be ca us e s he wa s not a tte nde d to right a wa y by Your Honor a nd Your Honor would not e nte rta in P la intiffs /P la intiffs da ughte r's re que s t for a ne w J udge ; a nd (2) The Honora ble J udge De Luca a ppropria te ly a pplie d to la w to the fa cts in this ca s e a nd gra nte d S umma ry J udgme nt a nd dis mis s e d the ins ta nt ma tte r with pre judice . Aga in, it mus t be highlighte d tha t this ins ta nt Motion s hould not e ve n be e nte ita ine d s ince the ins ta nt ma tte r ha s be e n dis mis s e d with pre judice. Notwiths ta nding, P la intiff ha s not provide d this Honora ble Count with a ny good ca us e for why he r chos e n ve nue , which is a ppropria te pursua nt to Rule s 4:3-2 a nd 4:3-3 should be cha nge d. BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 5 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 The Honora ble Bonnie J . Mizdol, A.J .S .C. Octobe r 25, 2017 Page 5 P urs ua nt to Rule 4:3-2(a )(3), Ve nue in the S upe rior Court: Ve n u e s h a ll b e la id b y th e p la in tiff in S u p e rio r Co u rt a ctio n s a s fo llo ws : (3 ) e xce pt a s othe rwis e provide d by R. 4:44A-i (s tructure d s e ttle me nts ), R. 4:53-2 (re ce ive rs hip a ctions ), R. 4:60~2 (a tta chme nts ), R. 5:2-l (fa mily a ctions ), R. 4:83- 4 (proba te a ctions ), a nd R. 6:i-3 (S pe cia l Civil P a rt a ctions ), the ve nue in a ll othe r a ctions in the S upe rior Court s ha ll be ia id in the county in which the ca us e of a c tio n a ro s e , o r in wh ic h a n y p a rty to th e a c tio n re s id e s a t th e time o f its c o m m e n c e m e n t, o r in wh ic h th e s u m m o n s was s e rve d o n a n o n re s id e n t de fe nda nt.... (emphasis added) P la intiff re s ide s in Wyckoff, Ne w J e rs e y, which is loca te d within Be rge n County, Ne w J e rs e y. De fe nda nt S e le ct S pe cia lty I-Ios pita l is loca te d in Roche lle P a rk, Ne w J e rs e y, which is a ls o loca te d within Be rge n County P ursua nt to Rule 4:3-2(a )(3), ve nue is a ppropria te ly la id in Be rge n County, Ne w J e rs e y. More ove r, purs ua nt to Rule 4:3-3(a ), Cha nge of Ve nue in the S upe rior Court: By Whom Orde re d, Grounds . In a ctions in the S upe rior Court a cha nge of ve n u e ma y b e o rd e re d b y th e As s ig n me n t J u d g e o r th e d e s ig n e e o f th e As s ignme nt J udge of the county in which ve nue is la id or by a judge of s uch co u n ty s ittin g in th e Ch a n ce ry Divis io n , Ge n e ra l Eq u ity, o r th e p re s id in g judge of the Fa mily P a rt, or the de s igne e of the As s ignme nt J udge for the S pe cia l Civil P a rt, (1) if the ve nue is not la id in a ccorda nce with R. 4:3-2, or (2) if the re is a s ubs ta ntia l doubt tha t a fa ir a nd impa rtia l tria l ca n be ha d in the county whe re ve nue is ia id, or (3) for the conve nie nce of pa rtie s a nd witne sse s in the inte re s t ofjus tice ... As for prong (1), this ma tte r is a pp1° op1° ia te .Iy ve nue d in Be rge n County a s both the P la intiff a nd De fe nda nt a re loca te d in Be rge n County purs ua nt to Rule 4:3-2. As for prong (2) which P la intiff a rgue s , P la intiff ha s not provide d this Honora ble Court with a ny e vide nce tha t the re is a s ubs ta ntia l doubt tha t a fa ir a nd impa rtia l tria l ca n be ha d in Be rge n County. Aga in, the insta nt ma tte r is dis mis s e d with pre judice, SO this ma tte r will not even be up for tria l . Notwiths ta nding tha t, P la intiff is a rguing a ga ins t the Court's de cis ions a s s he doe s not a gre e with the m, which is not a le ga l ba s is to cha lle nge ve nue . In fa ct, this is a wholly ina ppropria te a ve nue with which to cha lle nge the Court's rulings . P la intiff is not conte nding tha t the ins ta nt ca s e ha d a la rge me dia inte re s t which would ha mpe r he r cha nce s a t a fa ir tria l. P la intiff is conte nding tha t s he ca nnot ge t a fa ir tria l ba s e d on a lle g a tio n s a n d s u p p o s itio n s b u t n o th in g s u p p o rte d b y th e re c o rd . (S e e Ga lla g h e r v. Co co zza, 2 0 0 8 BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 6 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 The Honora ble Bonnie J . Mizdol, A.J .S .C. Octobe r 25, 2017 Page 6 N.J.Supe1'. Unpub. LEXIS 1255 (App. Div. 2008) (A true a nd a ccura te copy of the unpublis he d ca s e is a tta che d a s Exhibit F) As for prong (3), a ga in, the P la intiff a nd De fe nda nt a re loca te d in Be rge n County. It ma tte rs not if th e P a s s a ic Co u n ty Co u rth o u s e ma y b e a fe w mile s clo s e r to P la in tiffs h o me th a n th e Be rg e n Co u n ty Courthous e . The Rule doe s not dis cus s proximity to the Courthous e but phys ica l loca tion of the pa rtie s The re fore , a ll pa rtie s involve d in this ins ta nt s uit with re s pe ct to the P la intiff a nd De fe nda nt S e le ct S pe cia lty Hos pita l a re loca te d in Be rge n County, which ma ke s Be rge n County the a ppropria te ve nue . Additiona lly, P la intiff is a tte mpting to re -litiga te the S umma ry J udgme nt Motion, which is not be fore Your Honor a t this time . P la intiff a ls o cite s to Ne w York ca s e la w which is not binding a nd is only pe rs ua s ive Notwiths ta nding, the Ne w York ca s e P la intiff cite d to, S tra tton v. Due ppe ngie s s e n 722 N.Y.S .2d 677 (App Div. 2001) a pplie d Ne w York la w, the CP LR, a nd the ca s e note d tha t the Ne w York S upre me Court did not a bus e its dis cre tion in de nying pla intiffs Motion to s e e k a cha nge in ve nue s ince pla intiff fa ile d to e s ta blis h good ca us e for s a me . The S tra tton ca s e is s imila r to the ins ta nt ca s e a s P la intiff ha s file d to de mons tra te a ny good ca use to cha nge the ve nue in the insta nt ca se from Be rge n County to Pa ssa ic County. C Q NC LU§ IO N In light of the fore going, it is re s pe ctfully re que s te d tha t this Honora ble Coult de ny P la intiffs Motion to Cha nge Ve nue from Be rge n County to P a ssa ic County. For Your Hono1° 's convenience, attached please find an Orde r De nying P la intiffs Motion to Cha nge Ve nue . Re s pe ctfully s ubmitte d, QQM6 He a the r M. La Bomba rdi H ML Encl. LEGAL/ll294$356.vl P ro s e P la intiff Dr. Le vine (via e -ma il a nd re gula r ma il) BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 7 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 a 0 o EXHIBIT A BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 8 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 \ JOEL M. ROSEN, ESQ. R E C E IVE D Attorney No. 010801982 JUN 20 201s 2.1 Lackawanna Place, #338 SUPERIOR co0Rr0F NEWJERSEY Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003 OO n1=YGF.8ERGeN 929-841-4770 F! CE DNESION x S EYMA O. LEVINE, individua lly and as SUPERIOR COURT O F NE W Administra tix of the Esta te of BERNARD LEVINE l J ERS EY, LAW DIVIS ION : BERGEN COUNTY P la intiff; l 9 DOCKETNO. BER-L~1965-I6 D 9 v. I I HON. JAMES J. DE LUCA D I KINDRED HOS P ITAL NEW J ERS EY~MORRIS 1 4 COUNTY, SELECT S P ECIALTY HOS P ITAL- 1;ro1?1cE_oF AP1;EA1;ANCE I I NORTH EAST NEW JERSEY, JOHN DOE 1-10 O Defendant x P LEAS E TAKE NOTICE, tha t JOEL M. ROS EN, ES Q., he re by a ppe a rs in the a bove entitled action, and has been retained as the attorney for the Plaintiff, and all papers in this action should be served upon the undersigned at the office address stated below. Dated ' 5m1882016 JOEL M. ROSEN, ESQ. Attorney No. 010801982 21 Lackawanna Place, #338 o Blo omiield, New Jersey 07003 929-841-4770 J i BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 9 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 I \ JOEL MIROSEN, ESQ. RECElVED Attorney No. 010801982 Jun 20 zn18 21 Lackawanna Place, #338 TQFNE masv Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003 SUP1 929-841-4770 X SEYMA o. LEVINE, individually and as SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW Administratix of the Estate of BERNARD LEVINE : JERSEY, LAW DIVISION, : BERGEN COUNTY Plaintiff, l I DOCKET NO. BER~L-1965-16 n v. | a 0 HON. JAMES J. D18 LUCA KINDRED HOSPITAL NEW JERSEY~MORR1S COUNTY, SELECT SPECIALTY HOSPITAL- NOTICE OF MOTION FORPRO NORTH EAST NEW JERSEY, JOHN DOE 1-10 I-IAC v rcm Anm1jss.1pn..oF KEVIN COW IE, ESQ Defendant X TO: ALL COUNSEL OF RECORD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that on July 14, 2016, or on such date that the Court may direct, the plaintiff shall move before the Honorable James J. De Luca at the Superior Court of New Jersey, Bergen County, New Jersey, for an Order pursuant to _8. l:21~2 admitting Kevin Cowie to practice law pro has vicefor rhe purposes oftlzis litigation. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that in support of this application, the plaintiff will rely on the certifications of Kevin Cowie filed co11ou.1'1.ently herewith; PLEASE T AK E FURTHER NOTICE that proposed f orm of Order is submitted herewith; BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 10 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 \ vc PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the plaintiff requests oral argument pursuant to _8 l:5~2(d) if this application is contested in a timely manner. Dated: Jm@lj_-2o16 JOEL M. ROSEN, ESQ. Attomey No. 010801982 21 Lackawanna Place, #338 Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003 929~841-4770 2 BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 11 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 \ I n I JOEL M. ROSEN, ESQ. Attorney No. 010801982 21 Lackawtmua-Place; #338 Bloomiieid, New Jersey 07003 929-841-4778 x I r S BYMA O. LEVINB, individua lly and as | • SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW Administratix of the Estate of BERNARD LEVINE | I JERSEY, LAW DIVIS IO N, I I BERGEN COUNTY Pla`1nti18, | 0 C I v. l I 0 I DOCKET no. BER-L- 1965-16 KINDR E D' HO S P ITAL NE W }E R 3 }8 Y,M0 R R I8 I I COUNTY, S ELECT S P ECIALTY I-IOSPITAL~ I 4 HON. JAMES J. DE LUCA NORTH EAST NEW JERSEY, JOHN DOE 1-10 I i AFFIRIVIATION IN SUPPORT Defendant Og_PROH>4C VI05 m>ivH6®:I<;>1>r X STATE OF NEW YORK } CGUZVTJ' OF KHVGS } Kevin Cowie being sworn states' 1. I am a member of the bar in goOd standing in the State ofNew York, where Iam domiciled and principally practice iaw. 2. I am associated in the above entitled matter with New Jersey counsel, Joel Rosen. 3. My client in this matter the plaintiffDr. Seyma O. Levine, individually and as . administvatrix of the estate ofBerna1-d- Levine, has requested- te be representeé by me and New Jersey counsel' .Toei Rosen. 4. There are no disciplinary proceedings pending against me in any jurisdiction and no discipline has previously been imposed on me in anyjudsdjction. 5. There is goodcause for thispro hae vice admission because there has been an attomey/client relationship with Dr. Levine for an extended period ot time; this cause ./ uuv¢v;1>==nnu: BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 12 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 I \ H presents questions of law relating to the law ofNew York, and there is a need for extensive discovery and reiated proceedings in New York. Dated: May 19, 2016 Brooklyn, N. Y. I' r \ I92.6444 . Ke`€'_ -bwie, Esq, Azrorneyfor the Plaintlj 26 Court Street, Suite 2511 Brooklyn, NY I124z (zzz). 729.7476 BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 13 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 0 EXHIBIT B BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 14 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 ACMS P ublic Acce s s P a ge 1 of 1 P § ACMS Public Access: Case Proceeding List 181 '> Page: 3 ®. 124 END OF LIST VENUE STATEWIDE COURT. LAW CVL DOCKET # BER L 001965 16 CASE TITLE LEVINE vs KINDRED HOSPITAL NEW JERSEY-MORRIS COUNT PROCEEDING MOTION MOTION SESSION COURT PROCEED JUDGE PROCEEDING TYPE DOC/TYPE STATUS DATE ROOM TIME ID STATUS BYIVIA: MOTION I-IRG 1 0 MU1 10 14 16 401 09 00 J J D03 RSCHED MOTION HRG 9 m90 GRANTED 09 30 16 401 09 00 JJD03 COMPLETED MOTION RRG 6 MC9 08 19 16 401 09 00 JJD03 RSCHED MOTION HRG 6 MC9 GRANTED 0 8 0 5 16 401 0 9 00 JJD03 COMPLETED .~» --* ""'-" ---».y* ~ A v 7 y ; ~ » » . 4 . . 4,,,4-,,,,m,,,,,,4,,=,44|,m¢",m,¢¢¢¢» » |u|¢|nnmnur ....-.-. 4-L§.F .¢»¢uu4- 06 17 16 401 08 45 J J D03 COMPLETED m.-*. ~ww-w- Screen ID:CVM1036 Copyrighted ©2012 - New Jersey Judiciary Session ID: WUDIJBX Case Count: 1 BUILD 2017. Timer Count down: 290 https://po1' 10/25/2017 BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 15 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 an 0 a a EXHIBIT C BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 16 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 17 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 fo 0 a 0 EXHIBIT D BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 18 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 La w Oflice ofjoe l M. Rosen 21 Lackawanna Place. 8338. Ebifnomfé uld. N~ ~w Jessey 07003 TELEPHUNE :-m 929.841.4770 EMAIL rnsenlrnrlaw® 9n*4il.o¢ S=:pt» :ra1bw 86. WI() Ciurk of the Civil Division Supcrior (.'<1ur1 o» l` New Jersey-Law Divisian 10 Main Sirecl l-lackcnsuek. New Jersi8= (TJ60 I RF' Levim: v Kindred Hospital ct al Doscket No, L- 1965-16 Ungar Si1.f?vta§ Enchmd lwrewilh for tiling is a Consent to Change Attomey signed by the E'laimi!T in this mutter. This cllkctivcly rdicves the undersigned as wel! as Kevin K. Cowie, pro haw vice i`. counsel. as counsel Fm' xhc Plui¢ All Future uwtisses should be direcwd lo1$ the I2.» l'! ain1if`! Hcv» `£ v.'s: Seyma Levine 465 Meer Avenue WyckQlT. New Jersey 0748 I Timluk ycou Yin* your fmetxliuzx. VL'T}*' Lr1.!}*}..11f1u.s, x 11. . 4 * _, --~ 4 _* *°" 4 Jotsi.r 1. RUS FN cc: Kevin Cctwic. Esq. Frank Lcunza, Fiq. Ms. $eym=1 Lu:vilw Ms. Susan Levine (All via email) l BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 19 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY q CO0'N'1`Y_OF BERGEN I a x 19 4 a SEYMA o. LEVINE. individually and as I Ad.nninistxnlix of the Bram of BERNARD Lgvgqg I n INDEX No. L-1965-16 pmindfN | ¢ s 1 HQN. JAMES1. bf. Lum v, • C¢zn;¢ntto changeMttortwv xmuannn HDSPITAL NEW :Essay-moR.R1s u COUNTY, SELECT spx;czA,LTy 1~1osprrAL- P NORTH EAST NEW JERSEY. Joan DOB 1-10 I 9 h Dafcndnnts » . n \ nr- x I. SEYMA O. LE.V|N¥8, Ed.D. consent that JOEL ROSEN, ESQ., and pro has vice counsel KEVIN K. COWIE, ESQ.. bc withdrawn as attomey of record in \hc above entitled action. 1 intend ln Me u notice ofpro se reprc~en1axion. T3X5tn-a- 8 / w ; , 2 J . . D Scyma O. icvinc. Ed.D. ,c Dated: September 13, 2016 BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 20 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 cs o a a EXHIBIT E BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 21 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 Aug.2I.2011 3:18PM N0. 0914 P. 1 Honora ble J a me s J . I)e Lu c a , ].S .C. Bergen County justice Center 10 Main Street, Room 401 Hackensack, n] 07601 Telephone No. 201-527-2475 Facsimile No. 201-371-1157 FAX COVER SHEET Dr. S e yma Le vixw Fra nk Le a nza , Es q. TO' Ma rs ha ll, De nne he y FAX no. (201) 8919524 (973) 618-0685 FROM: Diane Fond, Secretary to the Honorable James J. DeLuca, J.S.C. DATE : August 21, 2017 RE: Levine v. Select Specialty Hospital-Northeast New Jersey BE R -L-1 9 6 5 -1 6 Number of pages, including cover sheet, 8 C O MME NTS : Attachegl please find order and rider. in connectio;1_with the a bove -rqfgrgnce d gna tte r. .»-_- _--\. . .L.Mr l. L I .v1 4 l If the re is a proble m re ce iving this fa x, ple a s e conia ct Dia ne Fond a t 201~52'7-2475. BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 22 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 Aug-21.2017 8:18PM N0.0914 P. 2 I9137.00203-FPL . MARSHALL DENNEHEY W ARNER CO L E MAN & GOGGIN By: Heather M. La_Bomb8rdi, Esq. Awomey I.D. No. 000142009 FILED AUG 2 I 2017 425 Eagle Rock Avenue, Suite 302 Roselwd, NJ 07068 James J. DaLuoa. J.S.C. 9973-618-4177 8973-618~0685 ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT - Select Specialty HospitM-No1&east New Jersey, Inc. DR. SEYMA O. LEVINE, individually and as : S UP ERIOR COURT OF NEW J ERS EY ADMINISTRATRIX of the ESTATE OF 8 LAW DIVIS ION: BERGEN COUNTY BERNARD LEVINE I DOCKET NO.: BER-L-1965-16 P la intiffs _\ Civil Actio n I v. I I x I I KINDRED HOS P ITAL NEW J ERS EY- 1ORDER GRANTING SUMMARY JUD GMENT AS MORRIS COUNTY, S ELECT S P ECIALTY :I TO DEFENDANT SELECT SPECIALTY HOS P ITAL~NORTH EAS T NEW J ERS EY, l HOSPITAL-NGRTHEAST NEW JERSEY, INC. I I J OHN DOE 1-10 (fictitious pe rs ons I I re sponsible for the da ma ge s suffe re d by the I l [ p la in tifB, I I I I De fe nda nts I I a THIS MATTER having coMe before the Court upon application of Marshall, Dermehcy, Wamcr, Coleman & Go ggin, attorneys for Dcfendant, SELECT SPECIALTY I-IOSPITAL--NORTHEAST NEW JERSEY, INC., on a Motion for Summary Judgment; and the Court having considered the papers filed; and for good cause shown; gk' IT IS on this 8~l day of August, 2017; ORDERED that Summary Judgment is hereby granted; and it is iilrtlwr ORDERED that Plaintiffs' Compldnt is hereby dismissed with prejudice; and it is further ORDERED that a copy of the within Order sball be served upon an p ithin seven (7) days of the date hereof f.;|_4 ?. n Mx? li 9 . i . . in*:'5'*18.' o i -"» `." ---4v _ ._ .*. u .), j » .» . ._ ' . gi =-r€i.: .I '* ' Cm I . Q u . :T§ ¢ _" ..{'§ .-~J -.~..:.- I E:. r.s§ Opposed .J.src. J J. n» enw¢ I Unopposed 8 BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 23 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 Au8.l1.20l1 3:18PM N0. 0914 P. 3 LEVINE v. KINDRED HOS P ITAL DOCKET no. BER-L~19G5-16 RIDER TO THE ORDER DATED AUGUST 21, 2017 In tro d u c tio n : Before the Court is a motion (the "1\/.[otiox1") filed by defendant, Select Specialty Hos pita l Northeast New Jersey ("Se1ect"}, seeking summary judgnaent against pla intiff, S eyma O. Le vine , individua lly and as administratrix o f the E s ta ta o f Be rna rd Le vine ("P 1a intiff'). P la intiff oppos e s the Motion and requested 0:1:8i argument. The Court heard oral argument on August 18, 2017 The discovery end date in the matter wal; July 9, 2017 B aclggroun d : P la intiff initia te d this a ction in F e brua ry 2016. Plaintiff asserts claims of me dica l ma lpra ctice a ga ins t S e le ctl. A copy of P la intiffs compla int is a tta che d a s E_x11ibit A to the certification of Heather LaBo111ba1'di, Esq., dated July 18, 2017, submitted in smpport of the Motion ("LaBombardi Cert.") | Select received an affidavit of me rit a uthore d by Dr. Axe l P flue ge r, 1v1.D'J P h,D 'J dated June 16, 2016 (the "J une 16 Affidavit"). l.ueger's A copy dfaffidavit Dr. P£ of merit is attached as Exhibit C to LaBombardi Cert. On October 10, 2016, Plaintiff and Select executed a atipulation of dismissal with pré judice as 170 the non-physician staff at Select. The stipulation is attached as Exhibit Q to La8ombardi Cert. s 1 Kindred Hospital New Jezwaey-Morris County was also named as a party to this action. The claims aga:Lu$i Kimdred were dismissed on June 26, 2017, for failure to comply withn.J_s.A. 2A:58A-26 et seq. (the "New Jersey Affidavit of Merit Stat."ute_") Page 1 of 6 BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 24 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 Au8-21.2017 3:I8PM N0. 0914 P. 4 Summary pf Arguments; S e le ct a a e e rts tha t P la intiff ha s fa ile d to s e rve a ny e xpe rt re port which a s crihe s negligence to Select. According to Select, without such reports, Plaintiffs caee fails as specific. expert testimony is required to prove any deviation frt>m the accepiled standards of care, causation, OI damages. Germamm v. Matrise, 55 n.J.. 193, 205 (1970) and § 43 N.J. 830 (1964). In a me dica l ma lpra ctice ca s e , a plaintiff must prove by expert testimony that the identified deviation was the proximate cause ofthe injuries sustained. Seq Qermann, supra., 5.'5`N;J. at 198. Select notee that time to take discovery has ended and Plaintiff has not proffered the requisite expert opinion fdentifying negligent acts by Select. Select asserts that summary judgment is appropriate. P la in iiiffs ' Op p o s itio n ; P la in tiff a a e rts th a t Select does not state uncontrovfarted fasts. P la intiff a s s e rts tha t it "cre a te d a n is s ue of fa ct, to wit, defendania negligence, by cla iming tha t a uch negligence (medlmal) occurred in the complaint." Plaintiff asserts that it advised Select of the basis for negligence claims in anawers to interrogaiiories. Plaintiff has attached Supplemental Interrcvgat0ry 7 and 7 as Exhilgju A to her opposition brief. It reiids : 86. State whether any examining, treating or consulting physicians or other practitioners ever stated or indicated in any manner, that any of the alleged injuries were caused by negligeitlt act8 or o;missio116 of any defendant(s) and if so indicated; (a) The name and address or each such physician giving such information and the dats, place and time of such information was conveyed; Page 2 of 6 ) BER-L-001965-16 10/25/2017 6:25:10 PM Pg 25 of 34 Trans ID: LCV2017381188 Au8.21.20I7 8:18PM N0. 0914 P. 5 (b) A description of the me gligent acts or oazlissions and the natne of the defendent(s) committing eenae; (0)