Motion: St. Agnes Medical Center’s Demurrer to Third Amended
Chaudhry Defendants’ Demurrer and Motion to Strike Third
Amended Complaint
Tentative Ruling:
To St. Agnes Medical Center’s (“SAMC”) demurrer to the sixth, seventh and eighth causes of action, without leave to amend. To overrule as to the fifth cause of action. (Code Civ. Proc. § 430.10(e).) SAMC shall file its answer to the TAC within 10 days of service of the order by the clerk.
To sustain the demurrer of defendants Pervaiz Chaudhry, M.D., Valley Cardia Surgery Medical Group, and Chaudhry Medical, Inc. (collectively, “Chaudhry”) as to the third cause of action with leave to amend (solely to limit the plaintiff bringing the cause of action to the representative of the Decedent’s estate), fourth cause of action with leave to amend, and the sixth through eighth causes of action without leave to amend.
To grant Chaudhry’s motion to strike TAC ¶ 92 as to Chaudhry only, and the third prayer for relief at TAC 41:10-12; th