Notice Of Hearing Of Defendants Palm Springs Motors, Inc. And Ford Motor Companys Motion For Change Of Venue To Riverside County

Matter on calendar for Thursday, November 2, 2016, Line 4, DEFENDANT FORD MOTOR COMPANY, PALM SPRINGS MOTORS, INC.'s Motion For Change Of Venue To Riverside County.

Defendants Ford Motor Company and Palm Springs Motors, Inc.'s motion to transfer venue is denied. San Francisco County is a proper venue since Ford has not established a California principal place of business and is therefore subject to venue in any county in California. (Easton v. Superior Court (1970) 12 Cal.App.3d 243, 246). Case law establishes that when a non-California corporation without a principal place of business in California is sued and thus the "any county" venue rule applies, an individual defendant residing in California but not in the county where the lawsuit was filed has the right to change venue to his or her county of residence. (Fitzpatrick v. Sonoma County (1929) 97 Cal.