Matter on the Law & Motion Calendar for Friday, April 26, 2024, Line 7, PLAINTIFF AECUS LAW, P.C.'s Motion To Seal Portions Of The Record. Plaintiff's stipulated motion to seal is granted. There is good cause to seal the name of the employee cited in the attachments to the complaint and settlement agreement to protect his privacy rights. The request is narrowly tailored and the motion meets the requirements of CRC 2.550(d). In fact, plaintiff could have unilaterally redacted that information because it was not necessary to the disposition of the case (which has settled) and the court did not need to rely on the information to render a ruling. In any event, the moving party shall prepare an order that makes the findings per CRC 2.550(d) and submit redacted copies of the filings to the clerk's office no later than close of business on May 8, 2024. Friday's Law & Motion Calendar will be called out of Dept. 301. Anyone intending to appear in person should report to Dept. 301. However, anyo